Basic Things to Increase Your Blog or Website traffic
the importance of increasing traffic to a blog or
website can’t be ignored in any case. More and more traffic inflow is
the top priority of every blogger or website owner. Though it seems
quite hard to get it but a little effort can make it as easy as a piece
of cake. As much is the traffic as much you will earn, provided the quality of traffic is good. In this article I am going to tell you some simple and easy to do.

Free Giveaways
offers and perks can have a very positive and good effect on your blog.
It is will certainly draw more traffic when already visiting viewers
will tell others about your site and nice giveaways on it. Your free
gifts may contain reminders about your blog. For example a free book or a
video can have your web address at start to remind about your website
or blog.
Similarly purchase ornaments and
charms like key chains, shirt pins, pens and stress balls etc with your
website name and URL to gift your customers. This you could offer them
if they fill out a marketing survey, or you could create a screensaver
related to your area of interest and give it away to first-time
Witty and Humorous Posts
a bit clever and post something interesting say, a humorous post
containing jokes or funny videos. It could be a witty content as well.
But beware as well that it shouldn’t be trite or cheap. Posts like this
serve your purpose well and they are also shared on social network
sites. Funny pictures and punches also work. It may not be most targeted
traffic but it would increase the traffic and get a good bunch of
people on your site. Your funny content should be at least vaguely
related to your niche.
An Informative Post
you write a nice informational post as this one, then you are most
likely to pull few natural links toward it and consequently a good
number of visitors. Prudent blog owners are well aware of the value of
luring their visitors to some great informative content. You needn’t
spend hours on writing it, instead provide something interesting and
useful to you visitors and see they will be extremely obliged and
appreciative. The quality of content really matters in the blogosphere
to attract natural links. Giving good experience to your visitors
will make you more popular among them. Also it is believed that search
engines prize sites that link out to quality content. Search engines
like Google want their users to be satisfied with their search results. A
site having its own great content and links is really valuable, and the
search engines place it at a higher rank. Another good aspect of this
is that people love to share huge informative posts on social networks.
You will see that one real good post with heaps of work and information
can really get the visitors in.
Write a Guest Post
effective tactic is the guest posts from you. It works well. What a
nice thing to find a popular blog that is accepting guest posts and
write a great article and submit it. Try to get it published on more
than one top blogs. Getting it published on many smaller blogs will
also have a good effect. This will give you better SEO benefits and
direct visitors from the links on which you have posted your content to
your blog.
Facebook Fanpage
Adopt the Facebook strategy for increasing traffic to your site. Here is a great tip for you. Create a Facebook Fanpage.
It may not be strictly about your site or product. Just make it
connected and linked to your niche. Something that people like to click
on should be the fanpage about. It may be about cars, or aircrafts or 3G
Adding Blog Carnivals
Blog Carnivals on your blog. Blog carnivals are a collection of links
about certain topics which are published by some other blogs. You just
have to offer the link to your blog post with small description about
it. This way you will get a one way link to your post, and quite often
to your home page as well. Another advantage is that it’s free.
Arrange Contests and Competitions
and competition give rise to people’s interest, and good rewards
generate excitement and curiosity. So, holding a contest with a decent
reward can attract the visitors to a large extent. Small cash prizes are
more paying and get people attracted to your blog. You can even
motivate other bloggers in your niche who are ready to share the details
of your competition with their visitors. The visitors might, as well,
tell their friends to enter the competition. Remember competing and
winning is a great enticement.
Build Links to Your Blog and Exchange Traffic
other sites to link to you is still the best way to rank high in the
search engines. Also you benefit from traffic that clicks through these
links directly. There are many ways to attract backlinks.
Traffic exchanges provide website owners a quick and free way to get
traffic. They come in various forms and themes, yet the fundamental
principle remains the same: “view each other’s website”. They give you a
percentage of traffic earned by affiliates that you bring into the
Link Exchanges are another incredible way to increase traffic.
It has got double benefit; one that you will not only receive traffic
from the linking website, but you’ll get better search engine placement
from every link that points to your website as well. Reciprocal linking
is a major component of effective SEO.
Not Much Advertising and Product Selling
sometimes overdo to earn cash by excessive advertising. No doubt
advertising is necessary to sell products yet if you carry too far to do
too much then you are straying from your target. Other blog owners may
not like to link to a blog post that is full of ads and products.
Add a Share Button
beginners in blogging believe that if someone wants to share their
content, he will do so whether there is a share button or not. But this
is not true entirely. Remember that you should make the best use of
facilities and make the things as easier as possible. The easier you
make it to do something on the internet, the more likely people will go
after it. If 50 people read your good article without a share button,
then maybe one or two persons will share it. With a share button, more
people are likely to share it because it is so much easier to do. But if
a person has to visit social network to share your content, he may not
return to your site.
Write Captivating Headings
your headings and captions intriguing and interesting. You can even go
through your previous posts and change the headlines and titles to make
them more captivating. The underlying move is that force people to click
on your posts because the titles make them keen.
Use of Keyphrase
keyphrases work right on the target. If some of your article is
receiving a reasonable traffic for a specific keyphrase, then exploit it
by linking to it some of your other posts with the anchor text of that
keyphrase. It is likely to take you up a little and attract more
Get To Know Other Bloggers in Your Niche
important strategy is to visit other blogs frequently and make precious
and good comments on their articles. No doubt, they will like it.
Consequently some will visit your blog and comment. After some time they
may link to some of your blog posts, or do other trades with you. You
are likely to draw some of their traffic to your blog if the targeted
readers appreciate your views and opinions. You can also convene
meetings with bloggers on other forums and social networks. This can be
aided up by exchanging views and ideas to assist each other’s blogs.
Encourage Regular Visitors
are your real assets and regular visitors are the lifeblood of your
blog. You need to keep them intact and motivate them re-visit your site
or blog. This demands encouraging the visitors to subscribe to you. This
could be newsletters, email updates, RSS feedbacks etc. Regular
visitors will pay comments, participate actively and recommend you to
others. Keep them reminding about you in places such as side bars.
Providing reminder with great content is really helpful.
Write About Something in the News
about hot topics in the news and get the traffic boasted. These really
charm a reader. There may be news not relevant to your niche but with a
little ingenuity you can make it relevant and interesting. You can make a
comparison, discuss issues and give reader a food for thought. This
extracts benefits from increased searches. An intriguing headline would
arouse interest and many people would want to know.
am hopeful this article will help you to Easy Ways to Increase Your
Blog or Website Traffic. We always give respect to our reputable readers
by providing the latest and informative knowledge.